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Writer's pictureAli Assareh

“The drinking wasn't the issue. I was."

Jessica Simpson shared a message yesterday about her ongoing journey dealing with her demons, and coming back from hitting rock bottom in 2017.

So many beautiful gems in there, that I feel can apply to all of our journeys:

- “Personally, to do this I needed to stop drinking alcohol because it kept my mind and heart circling in the same direction and quite honestly I was exhausted. I wanted to feel the pain so I could carry it like a badge of honor. I wanted to live as a leader does and break cycles to advance forward- never looking back with regret and remorse over any choice I have made and would make for the rest of my time here within this beautiful world."

- “The real work that needed to be done in my life was to actually accept failure, pain, brokenness, and self-sabotage."

- “The drinking wasn't the issue. I was. I didn't love myself. I didn't respect my own power. Today I do. I have made nice with the fears and I have accepted the parts of my life that are just sad. I own my personal power with soulful courage. I am wildly honest and comfortably open. I am free.”

Wishing the courage to all, “to live as a leader does and break cycles to advance forward.”

Leadership is not a title, but a mindset; one person, one leader.

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