I was washing the dishes the other day, and suddenly realized something: The way I wash a dish is EXACTLY the way my mom washed a dish:
Hold it with the left hand; two circles of sponging on the front, two circles on the back; then, fold the sponge and go around the rim; rinse front and back while running my palm across; put away to dry.
As I was thinking about that, I realized that it totally makes sense: I learned how to wash a dish by watching my mom do it; so, of course, I do it the same way she did it.
Suddenly it hit me: How much of my mental processes, thought patterns, fears, wishes, dreams, joys, I also picked up from watching my mom?
Copying parents is not just a physical act; it's also a mental act.
The best thing I can do for my son, Issa, is to act the way I wish for him to act.
If he sees me be kind, he will be kind.
If he sees me have discipline, he will have discipline.
If he sees me be in a true partnership with my wife, he will be in a true partnership with his partner.
I don't need to TEACH him the right things; I need to DO the right things.
He will learn on his own, and wash his own dishes one day.