My first book is out!
15 years ago last Sunday, my brother’s last breath became air (as American neurosurgeon Paul Kalanithi poetically described death, in his own memoir about cancer).
His son, Ashton, was only 3 at the time.
Yesterday, Ashton graduated high school.
I had this idea for a few years, to gift Ashton a book as his going-to-college present — a book of lessons I had learned in my own life and career, the sorts of lessons a father may give their child.
That’s how “Letters to My Nephew: Advice for college and beyond”was born.
I hope that it’s useful for not just Ashton, but any young person starting their journey of life in earnest.
The true hero of this story is Ashton’s mom, Cindy Adams-Assareh. Cindy raised a wonderful, whole son, and not just as a single mother — but as a single mother who buried the love of her life, then stared into the face of financial and emotional ruin that accompanies tragedies like cancer in our diseased health care system.
I am in awe of this wonder — what Jane Goodall called “the indomitable human spirit.”
Congratulations to all graduating seniors, and all parents of all graduating seniors!
You can find "Letters to My Nephew: Advice for college and beyond" here: