From an early age, my mom - who taught middle school literature - surrounded me with amazing books 💗
From the corner of my little room in Tehran, I traveled through so many eras & worlds.
I learned about the adventures of Sir Edmund Hillary, one of the first climbers of Mt Everest.
“The Boy, the Soldier & the Sea,” based on the true story of French children’s heroic underground resistance against the Nazis, shook me to my core.
I inhaled every Agatha Christie novel I could get my hands on! Monsieur Poirot, anyone?
But, my all-time favorite was perhaps the one on top of this pile: The Stork & The Fox.
A stork and a fox finally decided to be friends, after years of hostility.
The fox invited the stork over, but served food on a round plate. The fox could eat easily, but the stork left hungry.
The stork then returned the invite, and served food in one of her beak-shaped plates. This time, the stork could eat easily, but the fox left hungry.
The third time, they learned that they each needed a plate that worked for them; and ate their dinner together happily.
As we finally have a public discussion on the nuanced difference between Equality & Equity, I can’t stop but think about that beautiful story 💗