There’s a concept in soccer called “good idea.”
You say it when a teammate had a good idea, but executed poorly.
For example, they saw you make an open run, tried to pass you the ball, but got the technique all wrong and gave the ball away instead.
In that moment, they usually say, “sorry!” as they track back, and you usually say, “good idea!” as you track back.
I always loved that concept.
It means, “I see you. I see what you tried to do, and I appreciate it regardless of the outcome.”
And just like in life, even when you’re playing with strangers, you can immediately tell who’s kind, mature and supportive, and who is not, by whether they say “good idea,” or worse, complain, when you make a well-intentioned mistake.
There is more room to give “good idea” shouts to each other, in life, work, and of course, sports.