Please make sure to have the Facebook App downloaded and ready on your phone. (Unfortunately, Facebook does not allow 2-person lives from Desktop of Browser versions yet.)
Please use headphones to reduce possibility of an echo.
Please prop your phone up vertically, against a secure surface.
I will call you 2-3 minutes before the scheduled live to make sure your sound / picture works.
At the scheduled time, make sure you are on the Iranian Lawyers in North America page using the Facebook App. Once I start the Live, you will receive a notification that I'd like you to join the Live. Please accept. (If for some reason you don't receive a notification, you can click on the Live to start watching it. Once you are a "viewer," I can pull you in.)
Lastly, sometimes there is an echo. If that happens, we can end the Facebook Live and jump on a Zoom call (and livestream the Zoom onto Facebook.) The Zoom log-in details are:
us02web.zoom.us/j/5106842294Thank you for participating in this awesome community!