*Perspective Fridays*
The other day at the park, Issa was playing with his little car.
Then, an older boy came. He had a much bigger car, and started pushing and playing his big car all around Issa.
Issa couldn’t play with his car anymore — he was too mesmerized by the bigger car.
Then, a group of cyclists descended into the park, in full cycling regalia. (They we’re there to use the playground’s bathrooms.)
Now, the older boy couldn’t a play with his big car anymore — he was mesmerized by all the bikes.
There was a beautiful moment where Issa was standing behind the older boy, staring at his car; and the older boy was standing behind the bikers, staring at their bikes. Neither were playing with what they had anymore.
I turned to my wife, and we both said, “There’s always something bigger!”
We chase things, the next levels, in the hopes of *becoming* happier.
But there’s always something shinier after that.
We can only *be* happy — not *become* happy.